VP Harris ABQ Repro Justice Visit – NM Progressive Org Coalition

Image top left to right: (peace sign arm up) Miles Tokunow - OLE, Kayla Herring - Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains Image bottom left to right: (suit and red tie) Rocky Cordova - Melanie for New Mexico, Johana Bencomo - Las Cruces City Councilor Dist 4 / Women’s Democracy Lab, Nayomi Valdez - ACLU of New Mexico, Alissa Barnes - ProgressNow New Mexico, Marshall Martinez - Equality New Mexico, Andrea Serrano - OLE, Nathan - Equality New Mexico

NM Progressive Organizations represent at VP Kamala Harris event at UNM in Oct 2022 for Reproductive Justice. Image top left to right: (peace sign arm up) Miles Tokunow – OLE, Kayla Herring – Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains
Image bottom left to right: (suit and red tie) Rocky Cordova – Melanie for New Mexico, Johana Bencomo – Las Cruces City Councilor Dist 4 / Women’s Democracy Lab, Nayomi Valdez – ACLU of New Mexico, Alissa Barnes – ProgressNow New Mexico, Marshall Martinez – Equality New Mexico, Andrea Serrano – OLE, Nathan – Equality New Mexico

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